NIER, NIR, MPE, & EME Reports

3dB Communications has an extensive history providing RF safety reports which are often required to accompany submittals in zoning applications for new or upgraded radio and broadcast facilities. We can conduct a simulated computer analysis with no site visits to a tower or similar structure by calculating the theoretical Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) near towers, water tanks, rooftops, adjacent properties, or anywhere required for safety and compliance purposes.

3dB can provide an Emissions Certification report that acknowledges that calculated General Population and Occupational exposure levels of a wireless facility are in FCC compliance. We also can provide site safety recommendations. These certifications serve as an independent analysis of the RF environment and can be used to demonstrate that you are in compliance with regulations in the event of an FCC audit or a local zoning issue. Typically, supplied to local jurisdictions for new site builds or upgrades, these reports are called:

  • Both of the above is often used to determine FCC MPE1 RF Compliance for wireless facilities located on Towers, Monopoles, Utility Poles, Water Tanks, Building Rooftops, etc.

Contact us for a quote on these services. Typically, we need to review the following information related to the wireless facility:

  • Construction Drawings (CD’s, or FCD’s)
  • Jurisdiction
  • Transmit frequency bands in use at the facility
  • Number of frequencies and/or duty cycle of channels in use
  • Carriers RF Data Sheet information if available

1 MPE is the maximum level of radio frequency emissions to which a person may be exposed to without hazardous effects or biological changes. The MPE is determined by the wavelength of the frequencies involved and the duration of the exposure. FCC OET Bulletin 65 provides the guidance for these RF emissions.